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Türkisch Staatlichen Meteorologischen Dienste Türkisch Staatlichen Meteorologischen Dienste Türkisch Staatlichen Meteorologischen Dienste

Über Staatliches Meteorologisches Amt der Türkischen Republik

The Turkish State Meteorological Service, TSMS, was founded in 1937. It is the only legal organization which provides all meteorological information in Turkey.

The main objectives of the TSMS are:

  • To make observations,
  • To provide forecasts,
  • To provide climatological data, archive data, and other information,
  • To communicate these to the public,
  • To provide meteorological needs of army and civil avition.

The TSMS has the membership of the following international organizations:

  • WMO (the World Meteorological Organization), a specialised agency of the United Nations which organises the work and collaboration of all the national meteorological services
  • ECMWF, a European intergovernmental organisation providing global meteorological and oceanographic forecasts
  • EUMETSAT, the European meteorological satellite organisation for the establishment, maintenance and exploitation of operational meteorological satellite systems
  • ECOMET, a European organisation dealing with commercial activities within the meteorological community.
  • ICAO, a UN specialised agency which provides Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) for the safe, regular and economic performance of international civil aviation.


©Staatliches Meteorologisches Amt der Türkischen Republik, 1998-2025
Kütükçü Alibey Caddesi No:4 06120 Kalaba, Keçiören/ANKARA TELEFON:+90 312 359 75 45 TELEFAX:+90 312 359 34 30

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